J C Li,Y N Wang,Jingya Zhao,H Li,W Liu
Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging tick-borne infectious disease discovered in the 21st century. This disease has been reported in several Asian countries, including China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Myanmar. Until 2019, SFTS cases have been reported in 25 provinces in China, and most of them were rural residents from mountains and hilly regions. Most SFTS cases were sporadic but geographically concentrated, mainly in Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Hubei, Liaoning, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu provinces. SFTSV infection was transmitted predominantly by a tick bite and potentially through close contact with the patient's blood or body fluids. Fever, gastrointestinal symptoms, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia were common initial manifestations, and multiple organ failure or even death could occur in severe cases. The reported cases of SFTS have been gradually increasing, and the case fatality rate has remained at a high level, posing a severe threat to public health in China. This paper reviewed the epidemiological features, risk factors for disease transmission, and the clinical characteristics of SFTS to gain further knowledge of the disease, guide the prevention and management, and help reduce the case fatality rate.发热伴血小板减少综合征(SFTS)是21世纪初发现的一种新发蜱媒传染病。SFTS已在亚洲地区多个国家流行,包括中国、日本、韩国、越南、缅甸。截至2019年,我国已有25个省份报告SFTS病例,主要分布在山区和丘陵地带的农村,病例高度散发,但在地域分布上又相对集中,以河南、山东、安徽、湖北、辽宁、浙江和江苏7个省份为主。病例主要通过被携带病毒的蜱叮咬而感染,也可通过密切接触病例血液或体液感染。主要临床表现包括发热、胃肠道症状、血小板减少和白细胞减少,重症病例常因多器官功能衰竭而死亡。近年来,我国SFTS报告病例逐年上升,病死率始终维持较高水平,严重威胁人民身体健康。本文主要从SFTS的流行特征、传播流行的危险因素、临床特征等方面加以综述,旨在提升对SFTS疾病自然史的认知,加强传染病预防控制能力,降低疾病病死率。.