The global regulatory gene, nsdA, negatively regulates antibiotics production in Streptomyces coelicolor. Southern blot experiment, using an nsdA fragment of S. coelicolor as probe, indicated that nsdA gene existed in many Streptomyces. Primers were designed based on the published sequences of S. coelicolor and S. avermitilis. PCR amplification and sequencing showed that nsdA in Streptomyces was conservative and that of S. lividans ZX64 has a 100% identity in the nucleotide sequence comparing with that of S. coelicolor A3 (2). The nsdA disrupted mutant of S. lividans was constructed named as WQ2. WQ2 was able to produce actinorhodin but the wild-type strain ZX64 did not, which has a silent gene cluster contributing to the biosynthesis of actinorhodin. However, the ability was lost when another copy of the wild nsdA gene was introduced into WQ2. All the results above indicate that nsdA homologous gene is wildly existent and conserved in Streptomyces. And it plays a role in negatively regulating the actinorhodin synthesis in S. lividans and disruption of it can activate the silent gene cluster.