Aggressive environmental conditions, such as exposure to the sea climate or use of de-icing salts, have a strong influence on durability of reinforced concrete (RC) structures due to reinforcement corrosion-induced damage. In the present paper, a recently developed three-dimensional (3D) chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical model for concrete is briefly discussed. The model was implemented into a 3D finite element code and its application is illustrated through numerical analysis of a RC beam-end specimen with stirrups, exposed to aggressive environmental conditions. Damage of concrete cover due to expansion of corrosion products and transport of rust through concrete pores and cracks are computed. Subsequently, the influence of corrosion-induced damage of concrete cover on pull-out resistance of deformed reinforcement is investigated. The comparison between numerical results and experimental evidence shows that the complex coupled mathematical model is able to realistically predict the phenomena related to corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete.