期刊:Science [American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)] 日期:2019-09-12卷期号:365 (6458): 1131.4-1132
Inorganic Chemistry
Nitrogen typically forms three bonds in its stable compounds. If only one bond is available, the resultant electron-deficient nitrene can react rapidly with hydrocarbons to fill out its valence shell. Metal-stabilized nitrenes have been widely implicated in carbon-nitrogen bond-forming reactions, but the putative intermediates have rarely been synthesized directly. Carsch et al. now report preparation of a copper nitrene complex from an azide precursor. X-ray absorption and diffraction studies support a triplet electronic state that does not engage in multiple bonding with the copper center.
Science , this issue p. [1138][1]
[1]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.aax4423