In the last 2 decades, authors have gained considerable interest in modifying the age-old classical parotidectomy incisions to address cosmetic concerns of their patients. The article reviews all the incisions that have been introduced over time after modified facelift and Blair incision for performing parotidectomy. These include retroauricular hairline approach, Arden technique, trichophytic incision, periauricular incision, intraauricular modification of facelift approach, endaural approach, postaural approach, Panda technique, preauricular crutch approach, and mini Blair incision. Although these have been reported to be safe, feasible, and cosmetically better approaches, at present, the absence of well-designed prospective observational and interventional studies do not warrant them to be widely used in clinical practice. This will guide surgeons in making patient curated parotidectomy incisions under special circumstances. Currently, these remain limited to the hands of experienced surgeons in high volume centers.