A series of novel red-emitting BaLiZn3(BO3)3:Eu3+ phosphors were synthesized through the high temperature solid state reaction method. The phase composition, crystal structure, morphology and photoluminescence property of the BaLiZn3(BO3)3:Eu3+ samples were systematically investigated. The phosphor can be efficiently excited by the near ultraviolet light (NUV) of 396 nm and blue light of 466 nm, and give out red light emission at 618 nm corresponding to the electric dipole transition (5D0→7F2). The optimal doping concentration of Eu3+ ions in BaLiZn3(BO3)3 is determined to be about 3 mol%, and the concentration-quenching phenomenon arise from the electric dipole–dipole interaction. The temperature dependent luminescence behavior of BaLiZn3(BO3)3:0.03Eu3+ phosphor exhibits its good thermal stability, and the activation energy for thermal quenching characteristics is calculated to be 0.1844 eV. The decay lifetime of the BaLiZn3(BO3)3:0.03Eu3+ is measured to be 1.88 ms. These results suggest that the BaLiZn3(BO3)3:Eu3+ phosphors have the potential application as a red component in white light emitting diodes (WLEDs) with NUV or blue chips.