The economy of Bangladesh is largely depending on textile and garments industries at this moment. In this industry the overall demand of quality and cost reduction is increasing constantly along with steadily growing production capacities. For these reasons backward linkage industry like spinning plays a vital role for sustainable textile production in Bangladesh. Winding machine plays a significant role in quality of ring spun yarn in a spinning factory. Modification of adapter used in winding machine is accomplished in this work. Two diameter of adapter such as 58 mm and 68 mm was produced from nylon fibre and attached to the Muratec 21C winding machine. By using these two modified and one conventional metallic adapter three different fineness of yarn such as 30’s Ne cotton, 40’s Ne PC, and 50’s Ne cotton was produced by ring spinning machine in the same processing parameters. Those yarns were wound with 900, 1100, 1300, 1400 & 1500 m/min with original and modified adapters. After winding of yarn different quality parameters like unevenness (%), imperfection index (-), hairiness (-), Count Strength Product (CSP) were tested through Uster Evenness Tester 5 and Ele Stretch XT tester accordingly and compared them. Power consumption was measured by TRINITY (NF29) energy meter. It was found from the analysis of all test results that adapter of 58 mm performed the best; 68 mm made from nylon fibre the better among three along with cost savings is also possible in using nylon adapter.