In this study, an Aspen Plus simulator was employed to carry out the overall system's sensitivity analysis using a steady-state model. Results illustrated that the pyrolizer temperature significantly affects product yields, while the maximum pyro-oil (53.9%) was obtained at 415 °C and residence time (1 s), along with gas (20.6%) and char (25.4%). However, with increased residence time from 0.5 to 9 s, the continual decrement in pyro-oil yield was observed. A sensitivity analysis was performed and attained maximum conversion of C3H6O and CH2O2 under optimized parametric (temperature: 250 °C; pressure: 150 bar; H2: 0.6 kg/h) conditions were 99.1 and 95.7%, respectively. Regarding biogas reforming, at 850 °C, the maximum CH4 conversion (66.6%) and H2 production (2.3 kg/h) attained; then, it starts to follow constant trends when increasing temperature (>850 °C). The H2 content in the generated stream of biogas dry reformer, considered vital for further application, yields a peak at approximately 850 °C and 1 bar, and WGSR performed well to enhance H2 yield. It is expected that the simulated outcomes would be helpful in the selection of parametric conditions for renewable fuel production through pyrolysis.