How Green Organizational Strategy and Environmental CSR Affect Organizational Sustainable Performance Through Green Technology Innovation Amid COVID-19
The growth of green-oriented businesses for sustainable development (SD) is no longer optional in the current dynamic world, especially for manufacturing businesses in general. Accordingly, the present study investigates the interlinkages between green organizational strategy (GOS), environmental corporate social responsibility (ECSR), and organizational sustainable performance (OSP) by exploring the key mediating role of green technology innovation (GTI). This study uses a quantitative method to gather data from Chinese manufacturing industries, employing a well-structured questionnaire. Senior and middle-level managers were the intended respondents. From the primary survey, 264 valid responses were gathered. The final data were analyzed using SmartPLS (version 3.3.9) by adopting structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the associations between the targeted constructs, and the results add to the recent literature by offering a cohesive model of GOS, ECSR, GTI, and OSP. The findings revealed that GOS has a strong positive effect on ECSR, GTI, and OSP. Further, ECSR has a strong positive impact on GTI and OSP. Meanwhile, GTI is a key mediating variable in these relationships, which previous studies have not explored. This study innovatively integrates the three green traits, namely, GOS, ECSR, and GTI, into a comprehensive model that is understudied in existing literature in order to help businesses improve their sustainable competitive advantage. The ultimate aim is to help businesses improve their environmental performance and achieve solid sustainability over the long term.