AbstractThe hot deformation behaviour of commercial and extra low interstitial (ELI)grades of Ti–6Al–4V (Ti-6-4) alloy with a transformed β starting microstructure has been studied in the temperature range 750–1100°C and strain rate range 0.001–10 s-1. On the basis of the flow stress data as a function of temperature and strain rate, processing maps have been developed for these two grades and compared in order to bring out the differences, if any. While the stress–strain behaviour has not varied appreciably with the grade of Ti-6-4, significant differences have been observed in the processing maps as well as the tensile ductility variation with temperature. At lower strain rates in the α–β range (<0.01 s-1), both the grades exhibit globularisation of the lamellar structure, the optimum temperature being higher for the commercial grade than the ELI grade. The apparent activation energy for globularisation is higher in the commercial grade (455 kJ mol-1)than that of the ELI grade (370 kJ mol-1). At tempera...