HPV vaccination is the most effective way for preventing the cervical cancer. To respond the WHO calling for cervical cancer elimination, some Chinese provincial governments are launching the Free HPV Vaccination Programs for teenagers. Basing on the current stage of domestic utilization and the global immunization strategies of HPV vaccination, this paper provides a comprehensive review of the key aspects in the process of HPV vaccination, including subjects and priority vaccination population, vaccination dose and time interval, the principal of vaccination replacement, and the vaccination suggestion on special populations, etc. The article above contents and gives the advice on the immunization strategy of HPV vaccination in China.接种人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗是预防子宫颈癌的有效措施之一,为响应WHO提出的“消除子宫颈癌行动计划”的行动号召,我国多地政府探索适龄女性HPV疫苗免费接种策略。本文基于国内已上市HPV疫苗的使用现状,结合HPV疫苗在全球的免疫策略及实施经验,从接种对象及优先人群、接种剂次和间隔、替换接种原则、特殊人群接种等方面进行综述,并对我国HPV疫苗免疫策略提出建议。.