While design methods of deep foundations are mainly developed for homogenous soil deposits, the presence of highly cemented layers could lead to underestimation of resistance and overestimation of settlement of pile foundations. This study presents a novel approach using competent caliche layers bonded to the top and bottom of a continuous flight auger (CFA) pile as a new composite foundation system named caliche stiffened pile (CSP). The key objective is to optimize the required pile length in a cost-effective approach without ameliorating soil properties. Settlements of the CSP foundation for a high-rise building were monitored and full-scale tests were conducted to measure piles’ capacity. Finite element back analyses were performed to avoid adverse effect of sample disturbance in settlement calculations. A back calculation of a test fill embankment was performed to determine soil stiffness parameters by simulating an unscheduled imposed load to the structure. Impacts of the CSP on controlling the settlement of pile foundation and optimizing the required pile length are investigated using finite element analysis and a parametric study. The proposed CSP foundation can reduce the CFA pile settlement significantly in the presence of caliche layers with thickness equal or greater than a pile diameter at CFA pile head and toe, where the CSP is located.