Based on high–temperature sintering with SiC as the foaming agent, the technical potential of preparing foamed ceramics (FCs) from desalted sea sand at temperatures below 1000 °C was studied. Rapid melting of the ceramic bodies at elevated temperatures helped to seal more foaming gas, resulting in a large foaming volume for the FCs. If the interior of the ceramic bodies melted quickly during sintering, the foaming gas was trapped in situ, resulting in a homogenous FC pore structure. By coordinating the borax content and sintering temperature of the green bodies, the melting characteristics of the ceramic bodies could be optimised during sintering, usually producing a large foaming volume and a homogeneous FC pore structure. The FCs sintered from the green bodies with 25–35 wt% of borax at 900–1000 °C obtained high total/closed porosities of (68–75)%/(65–72)%, a relatively dense surface, a homogenous pore structure, and a relatively high compressive strength of 8.1–11.2 MPa.