Heiner Wedemeyer,Soo Aleman,Maurizia Rossana Brunetto,Antje Blank,Pietro Andreoné,Pavel Bogomolov,Vladimir Chulanov,Nina Mamonova,Natalia Geyvandova,Viacheslav Morozov,Olga Sagalova,Tatyana Stepanova,Annemarie Berger,Sandra Ciesek,Dmitry Manuilov,Renée-Claude Mercier,Ben L. Da,Grace M. Chee,Mingyang Li,John F. Flaherty,Audrey H. Lau,Anu Osinusi,Julian Schulze zur Wiesch,Andreas Erhardt,Stefan Zeuzem,Pietro Lampertico
Bulevirtide (BLV), a first-in-class entry inhibitor, is approved in Europe for the treatment of chronic hepatitis delta (CHD). BLV monotherapy was superior to delayed treatment at week (W) 48, the primary efficacy endpoint, in the MYR301 study (NCT03852719). Here, we assessed if continued BLV therapy until W96 would improve virologic and biochemical response rates, particularly among patients who did not achieve virologic response at W24.