To achieve a wide operating velocity range, stepping without backward motion, and high positioning resolution, a walking-type piezoelectric actuator with compliant mechanisms is developed. There are few academic research reports on this type of actuator, and this paper clarifies the features and advantages of this actuator. A systematic modeling and experimental evaluation of the proposed actuator are carried out. First, the configuration of the proposed actuator and the working principle of the alternating elliptical movements of the two driving feet are described. Then, dynamic models are built to simulate the output characteristics of the proposed actuator with in-phase and opposite-phase drive, which provide guidance for the design and optimization of walking-type actuators. An actuator prototype is fabricated and experimentally evaluated. The experimental results indicate that, under the opposite-phase drive, the proposed actuator can operate at a driving frequency of 1–15000 Hz. At a frequency of 14000 Hz, a maximum velocity of 24.6 mm/s is achieved at a voltage of 36 Vpp, and the dead zone of the actuator is 0–6 Vpp. A step displacement of 2.25 μm without backward motion is accomplished at a voltage of 72 Vpp and a frequency of 1 Hz. Furthermore, the positioning resolution in the forward and reverse directions are 144 and 152 nm, respectively. The repeatability of the actuator is ±25 to ±50 nm for strokes of 325–725 nm, respectively. Therefore, compared to two driving feet being driven in phase, driving them in opposite phase as if they were walking has been confirmed to increase thrust, shorten the rise time, reduce the dead zone of driving voltage, eliminate backward motion, and provide high repeatability.