Viral corneal endotheliitis, a blinding corneal disease, is often misdiagnosed due to the diverse clinical manifestations, complex conditions, unclear diagnostic criteria, and limited methods of ocular virus detection. In addition, there is still a lack of unified and standardized treatment for viral corneal endotheliitis. The consensus, basing upon the latest research progress and expert recommendations regarding the clinical care of patients with viral corneal endotheliitis, targets to offer best practice advice for the clinical management of viral corneal endotheliitis and has been fully discussed by the experts of the Ocular Infection Group of Chinese Ophthalmologist Association.病毒性角膜内皮炎是一种致盲性角膜病,因临床表现多样,病情复杂,诊断标准不明确以及眼部病毒检测手段有限等原因,易误诊或漏诊,且目前尚缺乏统一和规范的治疗方案。鉴于此,中国医师协会眼科医师分会眼感染学组汇集国内眼感染和角膜病专家,以国内外相关最新研究为基础,参考国内相关专家的临床经验,经过充分讨论,针对病毒性角膜内皮炎的临床诊疗形成共识性意见,以期为临床开展工作提供参考和指导。.