This paper deals with integral control of a class of switched affine systems characterised by time-varying differential equations that, along with the discontinuities caused by the switching, also depend periodically on an exogenous parameter, which is an affine function of time. The goal is to design a state-dependent switching function with integral action that ensures global asymptotic tracking of a trajectory of interest. The integral action is responsible for providing robustness to the system against uncertainties and load variations, whenever the discrepancy between the model and the real system is sufficiently bounded. Due to the integrator, all the convex combinations of the dynamic matrices are non-Hurwitz. In this case, the main difficulty is to guarantee that the time derivative of the Lyapunov function is strictly negative definite, which is done by means of LMIs and conditions on the affine terms. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Lyapunov-based switching rule with integral action able to ensure global asymptotic tracking of a pre-specified profile. When applied to AC circuits the advantage is to design the switching rule based on the original system, without resorting to averaged models. The theory is illustrated by the control of a three-phase AC-DC converter.