In recent years, with the further understanding of medical circles on diabetic ocular complications, the ocular surface abnormalities of diabetes has drawn increasing concerns. Nearly 50% of diabetic patients suffer from dry eye symptoms. The main manifestations of diabetes related dry eye were abnormal lacrimal secretion, poor lacrimal stability, decreased corneal sensitivity, persistent corneal epithelial defect and even corneal ulcer, which were mainly related to the changes of structure and function of lacrimal gland, the decrease of goblet cells in conjunctiva, the abnormality of meibomian gland function and the degeneration of corneal nerve caused by diabetes. In this paper, we summarized and analyzed the recent research progress on the effect of diabetes on lacrimal film, corneal innervation and lacrimal gland innervation, and the correlation between oxidative stress, advanced glycation end products and diabetes-related dry eye, to explore the pathogenesis of diabetes-related dry eye and to provide reference for clinical diagnosis, treatment and research.近年随着对糖尿病眼部并发症认识的不断深入,糖尿病的眼表异常逐渐受到关注和重视。近50%糖尿病患者合并干眼。糖尿病相关干眼的主要表现为泪液分泌量异常、泪膜稳定性差、角膜知觉下降,严重者可出现持续性角膜上皮缺损甚至角膜溃疡,这主要与糖尿病引起的泪腺结构和功能改变、结膜杯状细胞数量减少、睑板腺功能异常及角膜神经发生退行性改变有关。本文主要就糖尿病对泪膜、角膜神经和泪腺神经的影响以及氧化应激和晚期糖基化终末代谢产物与糖尿病相关干眼的关系等方面的最新研究进展进行总结和分析,探讨糖尿病相关干眼的发病机制,为临床开展诊疗和研究工作提供参考。.