The aim of this study was to determine geometric changes in the proximal and distal aortic landing zones after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for acute descending aortic dissection.This was a retrospective analysis of clinical and radiological data. Included are patients who underwent TEVAR for acute descending aortic dissection between 2004 and 2018. Analysed are the proximal and distal landing zones' initial geometries and their change at follow up. Median follow up time was 2.3 (first quartile 0.9, third quartile 4.5) years.One hundred and one patients were included (93 type B and 8 non-A non-B dissections, aged 65 (57, 74) years old, and 29% female). Dissection extended down to the abdominal aorta in 69% patients. The proximal landing zone was non-dissected in 92 patients. The diameters of non-dissected proximal landing zones increased by 3 (-1, 5; p < .001) mm at follow up. The distal landing zone was dissected in 84% of patients. The diameters of dissected distal landing zones had increased at follow up by 7 (3, 12) mm and 4 (1, 10; both p < .001) mm measured in true lumen and total aorta, respectively, observed one year after TEVAR. Stent grafts reached their nominal diameter at follow up in 22% and 17% of proximal and distal landing zones, respectively. There were seven proximal and 10 distal stent graft induced new entries at follow up. Aortic re-intervention was necessary in 23 patients entailing 19 TEVAR extensions and four open aortic repairs.The distal landing zone in patients undergoing TEVAR for descending aortic dissection is frequently dissected and is associated with the risk of d-SINE at follow up and the need for re-interventions after TEVAR - factors that emphasise the importance of long term follow up.