In conventional theories, where ions are treated as point charges, the properties of charged polymers can be tuned using ions via the ionic strength. However, this article will show that the properties of charged polymers at the solid/liquid interface, including charged polymer brushes and polyelectrolyte multilayers, can be tuned by ions beyond ionic strength effects. Ion specificity, multivalency, ionic hydrogen bonding, and ionic hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity are used to tune a range of properties of charged polymers at the solid/liquid interface such as hydration, conformation, stiffness, surface wettability, lubricity, adhesion, and protein adsorption. The ionic effects demonstrated here greatly broaden our understanding of the use of ions to tune the interfacial properties of charged polymers. It is anticipated that these ionic effects can be further expanded by incorporating new types of important ion-charged polymer interactions and can also be extended to neutral polymer systems.