The electroreduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) to a liquid product is a viable method for establishing an artificial carbon cycle. Unfortunately, most electrocatalysts' low efficiency and instability prevent them from being used in practical applications. In the current study, we developed ultrasmall Cu nanocrystals embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets (Cu/NC-NSs) for selective CO2 electroreduction by adjusting the potential. Cu/NC-NSs had 43.7 and 63.5% Faradaic efficiencies for the synthesis of ethanol and formate with applied potentials of -0.37 and -0.77 V vs reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) using a flow cell architecture, respectively. Moreover, these Cu/NC-NSs show a steady catalytic performance up to 16 h. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed to investigate the reaction mechanism. Furthermore, the synergistic effect formed by nitrogen-doped carbon and highly dispersed copper atoms led to their excellent performance in CO2 electroreduction.