Abstract A methodology is presented for Monte Carlo simulation of fluids in a new ensemble that can be used to obtain phase coexistence properties of multicomponent systems from a single computer experiment. The method is based on performing a simulation simultaneously in two distinct physical regions of generally different densities and compositions. Three types of perturbations are performed, a random displacement of molecules that ensures equilibrium within each region, an equal and opposite change in the volume of the two regions that results in equality of pressures, and random transfers of molecules that equalize the chemical potentials of each component in the two regions. The method is applied to the calculation of the liquid-gas coexistence envelope for the pure Lennard-Jones (6, 12) fluid for several reduced temperatures from the vicinity of the triple point to close to the critical point (T∗ = 0.75 to T∗ = 1.30). Good overall agreement with previously available literature results is obtained, with some deviations at the extremes of this temperature range.