The present study reports pyrolysis behavior of three waste biomass using thermogravimetric analysis to determine kinetic parameters at five different heating rates. Physiochemical characterization confirmed that these biomass have the potential for fuel and energy production. Pyrolysis experiments were carried out at five different heating rates (5–25 °C min−1). Five model-free methods such as Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS), Ozawa-Flynn-Wall (OFW), Friedman, Coats-Redfern, and distributed activation energy (DAEM) were used to calculate the kinetic parameters. The activation energy was found to be 171.66 kJ mol−1, 148.44 kJ mol−1, and 171.24 kJ mol−1 from KAS model; 179.29 kJ mol−1, 156.58 kJ mol−1, and 179.47 kJ mol−1 from OFW model; 168.58 kJ mol−1, 181.53 kJ mol−1, and 184.61 kJ mol−1 from Friedman model; and 206.62 kJ mol−1, 171.63 kJ mol−1, and 160.45 kJ mol−1 from DAEM model for PW, SW, AN biomass respectively. The calculated kinetic parameters are in good agreement with other reported biomass.