Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) ceramic is the promising dielectric material for energy storage devices due to its high maximum polarizability and temperature stability. However, its low breakdown strength limits its application. Here, we prepared 0-3 type composite 0.45Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-0.55Sr0.7Bi0.2TiO3/x wt % AlN (NBT-SBT/xAlN) to increase the breakdown strength. The effects of the various AlN contents on the phase composition, microstructures, dielectric, and energy storage properties of NBT-SBT were systematically discussed. The result showed that the enhanced energy storage properties were obtained by introducing AlN particles. The NBT-SBT/6AlN composite ceramics showed a high breakdown strength of 360 kV/cm, large energy density of 5.53 J/cm3, and energy efficiency of 90%. Meanwhile, the excellent frequency (10-500 Hz) and temperature stability (25-125 °C) were exhibited with the fluctuation of energy storage within 9% and energy efficiency more than 87%, suggesting that the 0-3 composite NBT-SBT/xAlN is a candidate dielectric material for the dielectric energy storage.