It is known that teachers commonly utilize learning platforms equipped with Learning Analytics Dashboards (LAD) to support students in their Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) endeavors. However, students may struggle to effectively employ LAD due to a lack of sufficient metacognitive skills. Co-regulation of learning (CoRL) has been proven to facilitate metacognitive knowledge sharing. However, the implementation of LAD with CoRL mechanisms in self-paced, asynchronous learning environments, aimed at enhancing students' SRL, remains unclear. Investigating how students utilize a LAD with CoRL and how such a system can promote SRL in selfpaced, asynchronous courses is an important topic. This study designed a gamified LAD utilizing a futures trading market interactive interface as the CoRL mechanism. A quasi-experimental design was adopted to assess the effects of the gamified LAD with CoRL on SRL, learning engagement, and academic achievement among 60 students from two Business Ethics classes over the course of a semester. The gamified LAD with CoRL had positive effects on the SRL and learning engagement of the asynchronous learners in the experimental group. Significant differences were observed in the academic achievement of the experimental and control groups. The gamified LAD with CoRL had positive effects on learners in self-paced, asynchronous courses.