The emergence of hydrophobic ionogels composed of hydrophobic polymer matrices and hydrophobic ionic liquids has drastically broadened the applications of ionic devices, especially for underwater explorations. Compared with traditional ionogels, hydrophobic ones are capable of achieving long-term stability in ambient and aqueous environments. In this review, the latest research developments of intrinsically hydrophobic ionogels are summarized, with particular emphases placed on the materials, mechanisms and applications. The basic issues about hydrophobic ionogels, including the material systems, dynamic gelation bonds and network structures are elucidated. The up-to-date advent of the ambient/underwater applications of hydrophobic ionogels concerning adhesion, self-healing, and sensing are comprehensively summarized. Special attention is paid to underwater scenarios considering the rapid development of marine explorations and the intrinsic properties of hydrophobic ionogels. Finally, the current challenges and immediate opportunities of this emerging yet fast-developing research field are discussed.