This work systematically studies a capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) source using experiments and 1-D COMSOL simulations relevant to Ar plasmas. Two radio frequency compensated Langmuir probes (LPs) and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) were purposefully used to measure the plasma parameters, and the experimental results were compared with those of simulations. We studied the axial variation of plasma parameters using an axial LP between the power and ground electrodes of the CCP at various operating pressures ranging from 10 to 150 mTorr. The electron density showed a gradual increase in its value with rising pressures. In addition, we employed a radial LP at the axial location L = 4 cm from the surface of the power electrode to measure the plasma parameters and compare these data with those of the axial LP and simulations. The variations of plasma potential measured by the radial LP showed an opposite trend of variation to those of simulations and the axial LP at pressures 10–60 mTorr, which is attributed to the plasma diffusion at low pressures. LP and OES measurements and simulation data suggest stochastic heating that generates high electron temperatures at low pressures. In addition, data revealed that the high-density plasma generation at high pressures could be due to the effects of both collisional heating and stochastic heating. Analysis showed that electrons could gain energy from the strong field regime of the sheath closed to the electrodes, which has a similar variation to electron temperature. The results of simulations have shown excellent agreement with experiments, and this work has the basis for plasma applications like plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition.