Purpose The aim of this study was to assess quantitatively articular cartilage volume, thickness, and T2 value alterations in meniscus tear patients. Materials and methods The study included 32 patients with meniscus tears (17 females, 15 males; mean age: 40.16 ± 11.85 years) and 24 healthy controls (12 females; 12 males; mean age: 36 ± 9.14 years). All subjects were examined by 3 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with 3D dual-echo steady-state (DESS) and T2 mapping images. All patients underwent diagnostic arthroscopy and treatment. Cartilage thickness, cartilage volume and T2 values of 21 subregions of knee cartilage were measured using the prototype KneeCaP software (version 2.1; Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). Mann-Whitney-U tests were utilized to determine if there were any significant differences among subregional articular cartilage volume, thickness and T2 value between patients with meniscus tear and the control group. Results The articular cartilage T2 values in all subregions of the femur and tibia in the meniscus tear group were significantly higher ( p < 0.05) than in the healthy control group. The cartilage thickness of the femoral condyle medial, femur trochlea, femur condyle lateral central, tibia plateau medial anterior and patella facet medial inferior in the meniscus tear group were slightly higher than in the control group ( p < 0.05). In the femur trochlea medial, patella facet medial inferior, tibia plateau lateral posterior and tibia plateau lateral central, there were significant differences in relative cartilage volume percentage between the meniscus tear group and the healthy control group ( p < 0.05). Nineteen patients had no cartilage abnormalities (Grade 0) in the meniscus tear group, as confirmed by arthroscopic surgery, and their T2 values in most subregions were significantly higher ( p < 0.05) than those of the healthy control group. Conclusion The difference in articular cartilage indexes between patients with meniscus tears and healthy people without such tears can be detected by using quantitative MRI. Quantitative T2 values enable early and sensitive detection of early cartilage lesions.