Feasibility of Metrological Traceability Implementation Using the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine Database Entries Including the Fulfillment of “Fit-for-Purpose” Maximum Allowable Measurement Uncertainty
Abstract Background In previous publications, the Task Force on Reference Measurement System Implementation proposed a procedural approach combining a critical review of entries available in the Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) database with a comparison of this information against analytical performance specifications for measurement uncertainty (MU) and applied it to a group of 13 measurands. Content Here we applied this approach to 17 additional measurands, of which measurements are frequently requested. The aims of the study were (a) to describe the main characteristics for implementing traceability and the potential to fulfill the maximum allowable MU (MAU) at the clinical sample level of certified reference materials and reference measurement procedures listed in the JCTLM database; (b) to discuss limitations and obstacles, if any, to the achievement of the required quality of laboratory measurements; and (c) to provide a gap analysis by highlighting what is still missing in the database. Results were integrated with those obtained in the previous study, therefore offering an overview of where we are and what is still missing in the practical application of the metrological traceability concept to 30 common biochemical tests employed in laboratory medicine. Summary Our analysis shows that for 28 out of 30 measurands, conditions exist to correctly implement metrological traceability to the International System of units and fulfill at least the MAU of the minimum quality level derived according to internationally recommended models. For 2 measurands (serum albumin and chloride), further improvements in MU of higher-order references would be necessary.