Abstract The rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology brings convenience to people but also brings data security problems. The data security problem can be solved effectively by blockchain due to its non-tampering and decentralization features. The purpose of traceability and auditable verification is achieved by adding user identity information and access policy to the blockchain in this paper. A blockchain-based data security access mechanism for cross-organizations is proposed and an attribute-based access control model is constructed. The feasibility and efficiency of this data protection scheme are evaluated by deploying an experimental environment and comparing it to reference schemes. The scheme proposed in this paper consumes less Gas for contract deployment than in other studies, and the Gas consumption grows slowly with more nodes, i.e., the cost grows slowly. The scheme in this paper consumes 7.00 seconds and 3.05 seconds less time than the reference network approach as well as the BAC approach in executing 300 transactions, respectively. The proposed scheme in this paper has shorter attribute secret key generation time and encryption/decryption time than the reference scheme. For example, when the number of attributes is 50, the scheme in this paper reduces the time of secret key generation by 144ms, 64ms, and 348ms compared to the scheme 1, 2, and 3. This paper breaks the performance bottleneck of blockchain and provides a new scheme for the security of user’s data and encryption.