Reactive dyes are most popular class of dyeing for cotton. Currently bifunctional reactive dyes is mostly used in textiles industries. Bifunctional reactive dyes have good fastness properties, wide colour gamut, flexible application procedure. Novel bifunctional reactive dyes synthesized into the triazine ring by introducing Phenyl Urea and its derivatives. Derivatives of Phenyl Urea and (j-acid) 2-amino-5-naphthol-7-sulphonic acid were condensed with 2, 4, 6-Trichloro-1, 3, 5-triazin synthesized coupling component.4-(β-sulfatoethysulfonyl) anilin was used as a diazo component. IR spectroscopy, Visible absorption spectra and 1H NMR were used for characterization. All dyes has been examined on silk, wool and cotton. Fastness properties and exhaustion and fixation value of all synthesized dyes were evaluated. In this study it was observed that all synthesis dyes showed high exhaustion and fixation, good Wash fastness to colour, good migration and leveling dyeing.