Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass <i>versus</i> laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: 5-year outcomes of merged data from two randomized clinical trials (SLEEVEPASS and SM-BOSS)
Abstract Background Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB) are both effective surgical procedures to achieve weight reduction in patients with obesity. The trial objective was to merge individual-patient data from two RCTs to compare outcomes after LSG and LRYGB. Methods Five-year outcomes of the Finnish SLEEVEPASS and Swiss SM-BOSS RCTs comparing LSG with LRYGB were analysed. Both original trials were designed to evaluate weight loss. Additional patient-level data on type 2 diabetes (T2DM), obstructive sleep apnoea, and complications were retrieved. The primary outcome was percentage excess BMI loss (%EBMIL). Secondary predefined outcomes in both trials included total weight loss, remission of co-morbidities, improvement in quality of life (QoL), and overall morbidity. Results At baseline, 228 LSG and 229 LRYGB procedures were performed. Five-year follow-up was available for 199 of 228 patients (87.3 per cent) after LSG and 199 of 229 (87.1 per cent) after LRYGB. Model-based mean estimate of %EBMIL was 7.0 (95 per cent c.i. 3.5 to 10.5) percentage points better after LRYGB than after LSG (62.7 versus 55.5 per cent respectively; P < 0.001). There was no difference in remission of T2DM, obstructive sleep apnoea or QoL improvement; remission for hypertension was better after LRYGB compared with LSG (60.3 versus 44.9 per cent; P = 0.049). The complication rate was higher after LRYGB than LSG (37.2 versus 22.5 per cent; P = 0.001), but there was no difference in mean Comprehensive Complication Index value (30.6 versus 31.0 points; P = 0.859). Conclusion Although LRYGB induced greater weight loss and better amelioration of hypertension than LSG, there was no difference in remission of T2DM, obstructive sleep apnoea, or QoL at 5 years. There were more complications after LRYGB, but the individual burden for patients with complications was similar after both operations.