Direct and indirect electrocaloric measurements were performed on the new Tellurium (Te) doped Ba0.8Ca0.2TiO3 (BCT) ceramics. The effects of Te addition on structural, electrical, and electrocaloric properties of BCT ceramics were investigated. The incorporation of the Te element in the BCT induced the decrease of the Curie temperature and the enhancement of the electrocaloric effect. The significant electrocaloric temperature change ΔT = 1.237 K determined by the direct method was obtained at the relatively moderate field of ∼25 kV/cm in Ba0.8Ca0.2Ti(1−x)TexO3 with x = 0.02. The corresponding electrocaloric responsivity ΔT/ΔE = 0.495 × 10−6 K m V−1 is higher than that observed in pure BCT ceramics and is one of the highest reported so far in lead-free ferroelectric materials. The material's coefficient of performance was determined at the phase transition with a maximal value of 14.7.