Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory intestinal disease, characterized by dysregulated immune response. HDAC3 is reported to be an epigenetic brake in inflammation, playing critical roles in macrophages. However, its role in IBD is unclear. In our study, we found HDAC3 was upregulated in CX3CR1-positive cells in the mucosa from IBD mice. Conditional knockout (cKO) of Hdac3 in CX3CR1 positive cells attenuated the disease severity of Dextran Sulfate Sodium (DSS)-induced colitis. In addition, inhibition of HDAC3 with RGFP966 could also alleviate the DSS-induced tissue injury and inflammation in IBD. The RNA sequencing results revealed that Hdac3 cKO restrained DSS-induced upregulation of genes in the pathways of cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, complement and coagulation cascades, chemokine signaling, and extracellular matrix receptor interaction. We also identified that Guanylate-Binding Protein 5 (GBP5) was transcriptionally regulated by HDAC3 in monocytes by RNA sequencing. Inhibition of HDAC3 resulted in decreased transcriptional activity of interferon-gamma-induced expression of GBP5 in CX3CR1-positive cells, such as macrophages and microglia. Overexpression of HDAC3 upregulated the transcriptional activity of GBP5 reporter. Lastly, conditional knockout of Hdac3 in macrophages (Hdac3 mKO) attenuated the disease severity of DSS-induced colitis. In conclusion, inhibition of HDAC3 in macrophages could ameliorate the disease severity and inflammatory response in colitis by regulating GBP5-NLRP3 axis, identifying a new therapeutic avenue for the treatment of colitis.