A miniature mass spectrometer (mMS) based point-of-care testing (POCT) method was evaluated for on-site detecting the hypertension drugs, amlodipine and benazepril. The instrument parameters, including voltage, ISO1, ISO2, and CID, were optimized, under which the target compounds could be well detected in MS2. When these two drugs were injected simultaneously, the mutual ionization inhibition and mutual reduction between amlodipine and benazepril were evaluated. This phenomenon was severe on the precursor ions but had a small impact on the product ions, thus making this POCT method suitable for analysis using product ions. Finally, the method was validated and applied. The blood samples from patients were tested one hour after oral administration of the drugs (20 mg), and the benazepril was quantitatively analyzed using a standard curve, with detected concentrations ranging from 190.6 to 210 μg·L−1 and a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 8.6%. In summary, amlodipine has low sensitivity and can only be detected at higher concentrations, while benazepril has high sensitivity, good linearity, and even meets semi-quantitative requirements. The research results of this study are of great clinical significance for monitoring blood drug concentrations during hypertension medication, predicting drug efficacy, and customizing individualized medication plans.