Abstract Uncovering energy‐related carbon emission transfer networks and assessing its structure and efficiency can help reshape the regional carbon‐trade nexus. Combining the social network analysis and interregional input–output model, our study estimates the carbon trade patterns from various perspectives and explores the topological characteristics of energy‐related carbon emission transfer networks within China's green development demonstration belt. Furthermore, carbon pressure index is used to identify key area for the regional carbon reduction. Results indicate that the three reaches are in descending order of embodied carbon emissions whether from the production or consumption perspectives when most of provinces are in the status of “carbon overload.” Furthermore, the total embodied carbon transfers with the large amounts occur at the provinces that are adjacent to each other. In terms of degree centrality, Jiangsu, Anhui, and Zhejiang dominate the carbon emission transfer network within the region, whereas Jiangxi, Sichuan, and Zhejiang serve as the main intermediaries and bridges. As a result, the findings should provide policymakers with new insights into how to formulate more targeted strategies for carbon management in different provinces and sectors.