Bio-based vitrimers prepared using tannic acid, glycerol, and boric acid exhibited the properties of a hard solid and a viscoelastic liquid at low and high temperatures, respectively. The degree of boronic ester bonding increased in the presence of NaOH and cellulose nanofibers , giving an increased tensile strength and hardness. The optimal nanocomposite exhibited a higher thermal conductivity than organic-based polymers. Composites with Al 2 O 3 and hexagonal boron nitride fillers gave extremely high thermal conductivities. A thermally conducting grating was also prepared using different thermally conducting vitrimers. Acidic treatment of the nanocomposite recovered the filler, indicating the application potential of these materials. • Bio-based vitrimers were prepared using tannic acid, glycerol, and boric acid. • Additional boronic ester bonds formed in the presence of NaOH/cellulose nanofibers. • The optimal nanocomposite exhibited a higher thermal conductivity than epoxy resin. • Added Al 2 O 3 and h -BN fillers led to extremely high thermal conductivities. • Acid treatment recovered the filler to show the usage potential of these materials.