With the depletion of high-grade molybdenum (Mo) deposits, it is more pressing to separate the low-grade deposits effectively due to the large demand for Mo. However, traditional hydrocarbon oil collectors such as kerosene suffered low collecting capacity for low-grade ores because of the fine disseminated nature and crystal anisotropy of molybdenite. In this study, the effect of a compound collector prepared from coal tar and dodecane (CTD) on the flotation of fine molybdenite was investigated by micro-flotation experiments, bubble-particle attachment tests, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS), density functional theory (DFT) calculations, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements. The results of micro-flotation experiments demonstrated that CTD improved the flotation recovery of fine molybdenite dramatically compared with dodecane and kerosene, the fine particles pretreated with CTD had a better affinity for bubbles, and a stronger mineralization efficiency was achieved than that with dodecane as the improvement of the surface coverage and attachment rate constant. The results of GC–MS, FTIR, and DFT calculations indicated that there were plenty of compounds with benzene rings in the CTD, especially for phenanthrene and naphthalene, which showed a stronger interaction on the (1 0 0) plane of molybdenite than dodecane, thereby proving a stronger affinity for hydrophilic planes. The results of XPS analysis depicted that more adsorption amounts were achieved on molybdenite by CTD than that of dodecane, and contact angle test results further demonstrated that the effect of CTD was stronger than dodecane in improving the hydrophobicity of fine molybdenite particles. In general, the compound collector (CTD) is beneficial to the improvement of attachment rate of molybdenite particles to bubble and hydrophobicity of molybdenite particles, which improves the flotation recovery of fine molybdenite. The extract from coal tar had more affinity for the (1 0 0) plane of molybdenite compared to the (0 0 1) plane through DFT calculations. The finding has important reference value and guiding significance for the future research on collectors for fine molybdenite flotation.