To effectively reduce the loss of strong shock wave at the trailing edge of the supersonic cascade under high backpressure, a shock wave control method based on self-sustaining synthetic jet was proposed. The self-sustaining synthetic jet was applied on the pressure side of the blade with the blow slot and the bleed slot arranged upstream and downstream of the trailing-edge shock, respectively. The flow control mechanism and effects of parameters were investigated by numerical simulation. The results show that the self-sustaining synthetic jet forms an oblique shock wave in the cascade passage which slows down and pressurizes the airflow, and the expansion wave downstream of the blow slot weakens the shock strength which can effectively change the Mach reflection to regular reflection and thus weaken the shock loss. And the suction effect can reduce loss near blade surface. Compared with the baseline cascade, the self-sustaining jet actuator can reduce flow losses by 6.73% with proper location design and vibration of diaphragm.