A theory for ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy of large polyatomic molecules in condensed phases is developed. A multimode Brownian oscillator model is used to account for high-frequency molecular vibrations and local intermolecular modes as well as collective solvent motions. A semiclassical picture is provided using the density matrix in Liouville space. The pump field creates a doorway state that propagates for a specified time interval, and the spectrum is calculated by finding its overlap with a window state, prepared by the probe pulse. The doorway and the window states are wave packets in phase space. For high-frequency modes and with long pulses they are expanded in the vibronic eigenstates, whereas for low-frequency modes and with impulsive pulses the Wigner (phase-space) representation is more adequate. Conditions for the observation of quantum beats, spectral diffusion, and solvation dynamics (dynamical Stokes shift) are specified.