Purpose This paper seeks to empirically identify factors influencing Chinese consumers' intention to purchase customized desk top (PC for short) and their effect levels. Design/methodology/approach Survey and structural equation modeling techniques were used. Findings This research finds that: attitude toward purchasing customized PC, followed by self‐confidence, and subjective norm influence behavioral intention most significantly; perceived knowledge has a very strong and positive effect on self‐confidence and attitude; and subjective norm and perceived usefulness influence attitude positively. In contrast, a direct effect of perceived knowledge on behavioral intention is rejected. Experience for males and females moderates the confirmed relationships except the relationship between perceived knowledge and attitude for females. Gender for respondents with and without experience moderates the confirmed relationships except the effects of attitude and subjective norm on behavioral intention for respondents without experience and the effect of self‐confidence on behavioral intention for respondents with experience. Practical implications It appears that customized PC providers should be aware that mass customization is applicable to markets where consumers are familiar with PC, hold a positive attitude toward purchasing a customized PC, and have confidence in their capability to make an effective decision in purchasing a customized PC. Originality/value Little attention has been paid to empirical testing factors and their effect levels on consumers' intention to purchase customized products. No research has been conducted to empirically identify factors influencing Chinese consumers' intention to purchase customized PC and their effect levels, while this research fills this gap.