Abstract Liquid marbles with quasi‐spherical shapes have great application potential as miniature containers. Recently, their shape modification is investigated, revealing great possibilities in broadening the uses for such containers. Current methods have demonstrated shape designability, but fine control of the final shape, important in applications, has remained a problem. Here, a facile method, based on a gravity‐induced liquid pancake coated with a nanoparticle monolayer, is proposed that allows continuous segmentation of the liquid. As a result, well‐shaped liquids, as structured liquid marbles with accurate target profiles, are formed. The density of interfacial particles is found to determine the segmentation feasibility and to affect the shaped liquid profile. Additionally, the maximum bifurcation is positively related to the initial particle density. This work basically achieves fine control of the liquid shape, enhancing the foundation for the development of liquid‐based smart containers.