A hypothermia aerobic nitrite-denitrifying bacterium, Pseudomonas tolaasii strain Y-11, was found to display high removal capabilities for heterotrophic nitrification with ammonium and for aerobic denitrification with nitrate or nitrite nitrogen. When strain Y-11 was cultivated for 4days at 15°C with the initial ammonium, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen concentrations of 209.62, 204.61 and 204.33mg/L (pH 7.2), the ammonium, nitrate and nitrite removal efficiencies were 93.6%, 93.5% and 81.9% without nitrite accumulation, and the corresponding removal rates reached as high as 2.04, 1.99 and 1.74mg/L/h, respectively. Additionally, ammonium was removed mainly during the simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process. All results demonstrate that P. tolaasii strain Y-11 has the particularity to remove ammonium, nitrate and nitrite nitrogen at low temperatures, which guarantees it for future application in winter wastewater treatment.