Shear transformation, such as twinning and martensitic phase transformation, is generally unidirectional under monotonic thermal or mechanical loading. Here, we report the dynamically reversible shear transformations in a CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy (HEA) under uniaxial tension at the extremely low temperature of 4.2 K. Since stacking fault energy (SFE) of CrMnFeCoNi HEA with a face-centered cubic (fcc) structure is low and decreases with decreasing temperature, plastic deformation is accommodated by dislocation slips and shear transformation bands, such as {111} stacking faults (SFs), {111} nano-twins and fcc → hcp (hexagonal close-packed structure) shear transformation bands. When deformed at 4.2 K, the lower SFE promotes fcc → hcp shear transformation, forming hcp grains. Besides basal and non-basal dislocation slips in hcp grains, high-density {0001} SFs and {101¯1} nano-twinning are activated to accommodate plastic deformation. More intriguingly, reverse hcp → fcc shear transformations are stimulated by deformation-induced local dissipative heating. The reversible fcc↔hcp shear transformations and both {101¯1} and {111} nano-twinning lead to dynamic nano-laminated dual-phase (NL-DP) structures, which advances the monotonic “dynamic Hall-Petch” effect in enhancing strength, strain-hardening ability, and ductility by dynamically tailoring the type and width of shear transformation bands. Our work provides a promising strategy for evading the strength-ductility dilemma via dynamically developing NL-DP structures through activating reversible shear transformations.