The surface acidity and local coordination environment of zeolites and amorphous silica-aluminas (ASAs) can promote acid-catalyzed C-H activation in many important hydrocarbon conversion reactions. Acid sites generated by penta-coordinated Al species (AlV) can lead to enhanced acidity and changes in the surface coordination. We evaluated the potential of flame-derived ASAs with enriched AlV for C-H activation using hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange with benzene-d6. With increasing Al content of ASAs, the exchange rate increased, whereas the activation energy (Ea) slightly decreased due to the enhanced Brønsted acidity. The ASAs exhibited significantly higher exchange rates and lower Ea values than the sol-gel-derived ASAs and zeolite H-ZSM-5. The superior activity is attributed to the fact that more oxygen coordinated with AlV species on flame-made ASAs, which can act as acceptors for D+, enhancing the deuterium displacement. These findings could offer a valuable alternative strategy for tailoring high-performance solid acids to promote hydrocarbon conversion reactions.