Ferroelectric field-effect transistors (FEFETs) are an important candidate for emerging nonvolatile memory applications but suffer from a lack of physical understanding of the device operation. Previous FEFET models utilized the Preisach model of ferroelectrics and do not accurately capture the physics of the FEFET that the majority of the polarization charge is screened by trapped charge at the interfaces. We propose an empirical model for FEFETs, which also considers screening of ferroelectric polarization. The screening charge is modeled as a dissipative (leakage) current across the baseline MOS gate-stack. The proposed model is calibrated using the experimental data of p-type ZrO 2 FEFETs and unravels the weak electrostatic coupling between the ferroelectric polarization and semiconductor channel charge. In addition, the model captures the memory window discrepancy between the charge–voltage characteristics and current–voltage characteristics observed in the experimental data, provides new insight into the ferroelectric device, and is well-suited for use as a compact model implementation of FEFETs.