Across its range in North America, four geographically separated, ecologically and genetically diverged populations of hawthorn (Crataegus)-infesting Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) flies inhabit the Eje Volcánico Trans Mexicano (EVTM), the Sierra Madre Oriental (SMO), the Chiapas Highlands (CHIS) and the USA. Here, we tested whether these four populations are reproductively isolated by any intrinsic, nonhost-related, pre- or postmating barriers to gene flow. Crossing experiments suggested that a low level of host-independent prezygotic isolation may exist between hawthorn flies from EVTM and the three other populations, but only with respect to a slight reduction in copulation duration in EVTM matings. Some evidence for postmating isolation was found, again primarily involving EVTM crossed to SMO, CHIS and US flies. Certain crosses produced no (SMO male × EVTM female) or few (EVTM male × CHIS female; CHIS male × SMO female) F1 hybrid offspring. F2 crosses were generally fertile, except for US male × CHIS female matings. Inherent reproductive isolation therefore appears to be quantitative rather than absolute between populations, as the possibility for gene flow exists through at least some combinations of mating among EVTM, SMO, CHIS and US flies. Our results are consistent with a recently advanced hypothesis that episodic introgression from Mexico into the USA has played a role in providing genetic variation, facilitating sympatric host race formation and the adaptive radiation of the R. pomonella sibling species' complex in the USA.