Currently, ternary CuCo2S4 sulfides are intensively investigated as electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors due to their low cost, high conductivity, and synergistic effect. The research of CuCo2S4 materials for energy storage has gradually grown from 2016. The supercapacitive performances of CuCo2S4 electrodes for electrochemical capacitors are briefly reviewed in this work. The structure, morphology, and particle size of CuCo2S4 are related to the synthesis conditions and electrochemical performances. The thin films of CuCo2S4 nanostructures deposited on conductive substrates and their composites both show better properties than single CuCo2S4. CuCo2S4 and its composites reveal large potential for asymmetric capacitors, delivering high energy densities. However, there is still much new space remaining for future research. The possible development directions, challenges, and opportunities for CuCo2S4 materials are also discussed.