ABSTRACTThe RSSI-based location fingerprinting method is currently a hot and challenging area of research in indoor positioning algorithms, which uses the degree of signal attenuation during spatial propagation to build a database, match data and ultimately determine the target location. This paper introduces and compares common indoor positioning techniques and algorithms, and elaborates on positioning algorithm improvement methods including signal filtering methods, received signal clustering algorithms and location fingerprint matching optimisation algorithms. Through a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the improved algorithms, a reference direction is provided for the selection of suitable improved location fingerprint fusion algorithms to improve positioning accuracy and efficiency in complex environments.KEYWORDS: RSSIlocation fingerprintRFIDindoor positioningIoTs Disclosure statementNo potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).Data availability statementThe data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.Additional informationFundingThis work is partially supported by the Scientific Project of CAFUC under grant nos. JG2022-06, J2022-042 and PHD2023-027, Civil Aviation Professional Project under grant nos. 0252109 and MHJY2022038, Sichuan Education Reform Project under grant no. JG2021-521, Central University Education Reform Project under grant no. E2022078, and Sichuan Science and Technology Program under grant nos. 2022YFG0190, 2022JDR0116 and 2023YFG0308.