Although large amount of effort has been invested in combating thermal quenching that severely degrades the performance of luminescent materials particularly at high temperatures, not much affirmative progress has been realized. Herein, we demonstrate that the Frenkel defect formed via controlled annealing of Sc2 (WO4 )3 :Ln (Ln=Yb, Er, Eu, Tb, Sm), can work as energy reservoir and back-transfer the stored excitation energy to Ln3+ upon heating. Therefore, except routine anti-thermal quenching, thermally enhanced 415-fold downshifting and 405-fold upconversion luminescence are even obtained in Sc2 (WO4 )3 :Yb/Er, which has set a record of both the Yb3+ -Er3+ energy transfer efficiency (>85 %) and the working temperature at 500 and 1073 K, respectively. Moreover, this design strategy is extendable to other hosts possessing Frenkel defect, and modulation of which directly determines whether enhanced or decreased luminescence can be obtained. This discovery has paved new avenues to reliable generation of high-temperature luminescence.